Choctaw Bay Music Club
Sonatina / Sonata Spectacular
November 2, 2019 Saturday
Northwest Florida State College
November 2, 2019
Tyler Recital Hall, Music Blg
100 College Blvd, Niceville, FL
This event is open to the community! You will listen and observe the most amazing young pianists at all levels performing music by composers such as Clementi, Mozart, and Beethoven. Choose one or more groups to Listen to.
Each group begins hourly:
Beginning at 9:00 am and finishing by TBA
Donations are gratefully received but not required.
Members' students will be performing piano Sonatina's from memory before two judges.Parents, family, friends and the local community are invited to attend.
If you are not a Choctaw Bay Music Club member and have a music student you would like to enter for this November, for only $25 a year you can become a member of our club! Go to our contact page to download our application form.
Contact below email for more info:
Sonata / Sonatina Performers.
Sonata / Sonatina Performers.
Copyright 2013. Choctaw Bay Music Club. All Rights Reserved.